Main Page

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Welcome to OpenZFS


OpenZFS was announced in September 2013 as the truly open source successor to the ZFS project. Our community brings together developers from the illumos, FreeBSD, Linux, and OS X platforms, and a wide range of companies that build products on top of OpenZFS.

OpenZFS is an outstanding storage platform that encompasses the functionality of traditional filesystems, volume managers, and more, with consistent reliability, functionality and performance across all distributions:

illumos Webpage GitHub
FreeBSD Webpage GitHub
ZFS on Linux Webpage GitHub
OpenZFS on OS X Webpage GitHub

OpenZFS Developer Summit 2016 <= click for details

The fourth annual OpenZFS Developer Summit will be held in San Francisco, September 26-27th, 2016! All OpenZFS developers are invited to participate. Developer Summit 2016 registration is now open!

The goal of the event is to foster cross-community discussions of OpenZFS work and to make progress on some of the projects we have proposed. This 2-day event will consist of 1 day of presentation (Sept 26) and a 1 day hackathon (Sept 27).

Thanks to the 2016 Platinum sponsors for their support! Additional sponsorship opportunities are available, email if you are interested.

  • Delphix
  • Intel
  • OSNexus
  • Nexenta


The high-level goals of OpenZFS are:

  • to raise awareness of the quality, utility, and availability of open source implementations of ZFS
  • to encourage open communication about ongoing efforts to improve open source ZFS
  • to ensure consistent reliability, functionality, and performance of all distributions of ZFS.

The main technical goal of OpenZFS is easier sharing of code between platforms. Strategies include:

What's new?

September 2016: OpenZFS Developer Summit 2016 will be held September 26-27th in San Francisco.

October 2015: Slides and video from the OpenZFS Developer Summit 2015 are posted.

June 2015: Videos from the OpenZFS European Conference are posted.

June 2015: BSDCAN was held June 12-13 in Ottawa, Canada.

April 2015: OpenZFS Office Hours with Justin Gibbs was held April 2nd

Site orientation

All main pages (alphabetical order) …
