Code of Conduct Summary

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Code of Conduct Summary

The OpenZFS community values respectful, welcoming behavior towards everyone. This enables our members to thrive and contribute, and encourages new participants to join our community.

Although most experiences within the community are positive, we all have moments when we are unaware of our tone or are too busy to choose our words carefully. The goal of this code of conduct is to set the tone for the community, and provide a process to resolve conflicts when they occur.

When conflicts do occur, the first step will be to understand the underlying issue from the perspective of all those involved in the incident. The most likely resolution will be a private, gentle reminder of the community values. While the community does have the recourse to remove those who do not comply with the code of conduct, there are likely to be many more avenues pursued before we get to that point.

Some individuals face more systemic challenges to their participation than others, and we strive to create a space that encourages participation regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, and similar personal characteristics.

Where does this Code of Conduct apply?

The OpenZFS Code of Conduct applies to spaces associated with the OpenZFS, ZFSonLinux, ZFSonOSX, and ZFSonWindows projects, including:

  • The OpenZFS Developer Summit conference
  • GitHub (,,, (including PR’s, Issues, and Wikis)
  • Mailing lists (,
  • The wiki
  • RC (#openzfs, #zfsonlinux, #openzfs-osx, #openzfs-windows)
  • The OpenZFS Slack workspace (
  • OSX Forum (
  • OpenZFS Leadership meeting, office hours, and other video calls

In addition, conduct outside these spaces that impacts the OpenZFS community may affect a person's ability to participate within them.

How do I report a violation of the Code of Conduct?

If you believe someone is violating the code of conduct, please report it by emailing more details please see our Reporting Guide.

Additional Information about the Code of Conduct


Borrowed heavily from the great work done by Django, Contributor Covenant, Go, Stack Overflow, and the Speak Up! project. Text all covered by CC-BY-SA